
Monday, July 1, 2019

Sharing the Joy

Although I'm not an official CZT, I facilitated a class at our church a few weeks ago just to share the love of Zentangle. We had a blast!  I had a full class and some that I had to turn away, sadly, because of lack of space!  (Next year, I will know to make more room.)

I think anyone who is interested in sharing with others the joy and benefits of Zentangle and who isn't a CZT could look at doing the classroom pack. That's what I did...It wasn't super expensive and I had more supplies than I needed for the 15 people who registered. (The pack comes with plenty of tiles and supplies for 26 students). I allowed the 15 students I had to keep the pencil, pen and a few extra tiles.  You could limit this, of course, but to me, the whole point was to send folks out to start creating and wanting to do more with the knowledge they learned with me.  I can still do another class next year and not have to buy any supplies : )

I was encouraged that so many people wanted to try the Zentangle method and I hope this encourages others to offer a free session at their church or school. I really feel that Zentangle does so much more than offer a space to be creative.  It's a way to reflect, meditate and just appreciate the beauty around us and within us.

One thing that I was asked was, 'what do I do with my tiles??"  I thought this was a great question as I have quite a few laying around and have pondered this as well.  Here's a good article from Rick and Maria on some ideas for what to do with your tiles...enjoy!

But, What Do You Do With Your Tiles?
Image from the blogpost: "But, What do You do With Your Tiles?"

Monday, February 18, 2019

Zen Lettering

I'm working through 2 new books...
  • A Beginner's Guide: Lettering & Modern Calligraphy
  • Hand-Lettering: An Interactive Guide to the Art of Drawing Letters

(You can find both on Amazon!)

I wanted to do something different with my Zentangles this year but wasn't really sure WHAT I wanted to do. I just knew that every time I started with my Zentangles, I got...stuck...

I couldn't find patterns I wanted to try and when I did find patterns, I was frustrated with the way they turned out. I need more structure and guidance to feel free to create.  

As luck would have it, I won a $100 gift card for filling out a survey for one of my professional development orgs.  I'm not sure how I stumbled across hand lettering, but I did and the next thing I knew, 2 books and a pack of markers were in my cart.  Both books arrived over the weekend, along with the markers, and my idea was hatched!

I'm looking forward to embarking on combining my zentagle designs with hand lettering. It will give me a chance to be structured, yet, create something with the patterns I've come to love.  Here's to a new chapter in Zentangling!



Sunday, February 3, 2019

Exercising those muscles...

It's hard to believe it's been over 2 years since I started this blog!! What happened?? I'm not sure...I started off strong and then just got sidetracked or sideswiped...or maybe a combination of both.  Anyway, I'm back doing what I love and it feels good!

But it hurts a when you start exercising again. I just started working out with a group of ladies on Saturday morning.  Man - they KILL.IT.  I feel great after I'm done but the next 2 muscles are screaming at me ('Why, oh why did you do that to us?!').  I remember that I used to be a regular Y goer, attending Body Pump and other aerobic classes. I was running several times a week, too. I was a crazy, healthy person...and then, just like that, I just got busy with life - a graduate school program, 2 kids growing fast and furious, a career/job - yeah...


It just sort of all changed and now, I'm back to square one. Working myself out and remembering those muscles. 

And that's what I needed to do with my Zentangles.  

I'm setting realistic goals, though.  Maybe not every day will I get to tangle, but I'm getting into the habit of coming into my studio and doing a few each week.  That's a good start.  

So here's to sore body and art muscles!  May I remember how the initial pain feels and keep going so I don't have to start all over again. ; )



Day 12 - Landscape with

Perspective,'s on in how we look at things.  Today I was challenged to create a Zentangle using the principles of landscape drawing - things close look big and reduce in size as you move into the distance.  Okay - I know this didn't really happen in this piece so I need to keep working.  BUT...I'm still really pleased with how the overall design looks ; )

Today I used:
Hollibaugh * Orton * Flux *

Friday, January 20, 2017

Day 11 - Auras & Rounding

This was a fun exercise on Auras and Rounding that I got a little carried away with and ended up creating my own tangleation

The Auras are those fun, white lines that create, well, an aura around the pattern. I liked how the book example turned out using Poke Root so I used that and then did it with Flux and Festune.

The Rounding comes when you fill in the nooks and crannies with the black ink of your pen. I did this with Festune and Poke Root, but I've also done this unknowingly on other designs I've created. I like the effect that it has on a piece.

The other new patterns I used were Onamato (between Hollibaugh and the aura of Festune) and then my tangleation using Florz (grid w/ diamonds) and Printemps (Swirls). I'm not crazy/excited about how it came into being but it was fun ; )

I was glad I got to sneak in some Fescu way at the top...that's a tricky one for me to get into my zentangles so I was happy I got to add it!



Thursday, January 19, 2017

Day 10 - Shattuck & Nipa

I'm a little tired today after getting up at 4:30am!  I was stuck in no-woman's land - toss and turn and try to get to sleep or just get up...I opted for get up, work out and read the paper before the house woke up. It was actually quite peaceful, I've been ready for bed since 8pm!

So enough about my early risings...Today was about trying to create more depth and use Vega, as well as, Purk in my zentangle.  I wanted to practice some other tangle patterns that I haven't really explored: Shattuck (behind Purk) and Nipa. I'm still figuring out placement of my patterns, too.

That's all I got in me today...g'night!



Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Day 9 - Working with Purk

You may notice that my signature is not normally where it should be...I was looking "at the world's upness" that day! No, not really...I opened my Sketchbook upside down and didn't notice it until I had completed my design - oops!  Well, it was a happy accident and I liked it so much, I left it the way it was instead of taking the photo from the other angle.

Working with Purk is tricky.  I'm learning how to compose my patterns before starting in on the tangle. I couldn't have achieved the shape of Purk if I had started it after I did Crescent Moon and Flukes - same thing with Isodor and Tipple at the botom and Flux at the top.

So I'm learning a bit more about the complexity of zentangling each day! (And thanks to the ghost John Muir for the inspiration of looking at things in a different way ; )
